Wallpaper Removal

Bringing Your Walls Back to Life

Are you tired of the outdated wallpaper in your home? If it’s time for a change, trust the skilled team at STR Pro Painting for professional wallpaper removal services. As a group of expert home painters, we provide a range of additional services to help you achieve the home of your dreams. Wallpaper removal is a meticulous task that demands the right techniques to avoid damaging your walls. Our experienced team follows a detailed process, ensuring that the only thing you’ll notice is the fresh wall revealed when we’re finished.

Our Wallpaper Removal Process



We use drop cloths and painter’s tape to safeguard your home and belongings.

Peeling Loose Wallpaper

If there is loose or peeling wallpaper, we remove as much as possible by hand. For the rest, we use a solution for thorough removal.

Cleaning the Wall

We scrub off any excess primer or paste, leaving your wall ready for new wallpaper, a fresh coat of paint, or to remain as is.

Not sure what to do with your newly exposed wall? Consult our professional painters for suggestions! If painting is your preference, we offer color selection services and can assist you in choosing a paint shade that complements your style.

Time for a Change?

Wallpaper removal services can breathe new life into your home. While wallpaper may be in style when installed, over time, patterns can become outdated and show wear and tear. Removing wallpaper provides a blank canvas for a fresh start.

Our Attention to Detail

Removing wallpaper requires several precautions, from working around electrical outlets to protecting floors and belongings. We pay attention to all the details, ensuring the utmost care for your home. After wallpaper removal, we can also perform any necessary drywall repairs for a smooth, consistent finish. Contact your local STR Pro Painting for more information. Schedule services online or by calling +1 (267) 400-1995.

Why Choose STR Pro Painting?

Top-Quality Stains

We source our stains from trusted manufacturers and offer a wide range of styles and colors.

Vision Understanding

Before starting any staining project, we take the time to understand your vision and expectations, working with you to ensure your desired results.

Interior Painting Services

The Transformation You Dream Comes True

+1 (267) 400-1995

You can contact us to get detailed information about our services and to work on a project basis.